Medicine Voice Circle

Did you start believing that it's not for you to sing? That you can better leave it up to others, because you are not as good as a 'real' singer?

Do you maybe only sing when you're sure nobody hears you?

or singing along very softly, holding yourself back - feeling super uncomfortable?

Are you scared to be rejected, scared of what other people may think of you?

Maybe someone told you that it's better for you not to sing; feeling the cost of it now.

Or did you already start with sharing your voice more and more but at this moment you feel stuck and you feel like you don't dare to expand your Vocal sound? Or don't know how or where to start with this?

You aren't aware of how to use your voice to be able to sing to your full potential?

Therefore insecurity is taking over and you're getting in your head..

Forgetting the way back to your heart..

We'd love to guide you and your voice within this circle by:

⭑Discovering to you use your Voice as a powerful instrument both practical and spiritual

⭑Studying Hands-on techniques on the anatomy of your Voice

⭑Focussing on how to work with your Body & Breath and how to direct them for the use of your Voice

⭑Learning how to navigate your energy through your voice

⭑Finding freedom in expression beyond the control of your thoughts and beliefs

⭑Creating with the keys of improvisation

⭑Learning how to work with your Voice in Ceremony


In this circle we create the opportunity to:

Step out of your comfort zone within the presence of others

Receive Vocal guidance of your Mentors Biba Medicina accompanied by another experienced Medicine Voice Mentor: Elena Tierra

Live Musical Guidance by your Mentors

Expand your Repertoire: Studying new songs with the group

⭑Receive more insights and reflections through the mirrors of the group

Ask all you need to know about your vocal practice within the circle and receive guidance to this

Upcoming Dates

Saturday 25 November




Upcoming dates:

(to be announced)


Where📍: Loods Komeet, Polluxstraat 10, The Hague


‘Zaaltje’ Ruyschstraat 295, Amsterdam

⭑Water, Tea and a light healthy snack will be served

⭑Lyrics will be provided

⭑Your mostly welcome to bring a song or mantra, I invite you to send the chords and/or the song to in advance or bring printed sheets!

You got questions?

What happens if I can't make it?

If you cancel at least 48 hours up front you can still use your ticket for a next edition. No refund possible.

Will there be a Medicine Voice Circle on another location?

In the future we plan to host circles in Amsterdam or Utrecht. I would love to know if that is wished. Send a mail to

How can I get easiest to the location?

Parking = Free.

Loods Komeet is located close to The Hague Central station. We recommend to hire a bike or take the bus from there (only 2 stops)

About me

Hey you !

My name is Biba Medicina and I serve my music into ceremonial settings to help people connect with a deeper layer of their inner world and the flow of their emotions.

I express my voice in the present moment while I practice to fully surrender to the flow of my heart while listening closely to my inner rhythm. In earthly grounded energy I connect with my inner natural melodies and so open myself up to receive song to let it arise through my instruments.

In my personal healing journey something became really clear:

My voice and sound are here to help people through their own healing journey

I am here to guide others with the use of their voice and their authentic expression

My name is Elena Tierra and I serve my music and voice in devotion to build bridges between the seen and unseen on this earthly plane and the remembrance of the wilderness of our primal being.

Songs became prayers and my voice became a portal for healing to me and my surrounding.

I felt the calling to create soul spaces where the power of sound becomes a portal for people to find wholeness within.

I’d like to inspire you to courageously express yourself raw and authentically.

To remember the powerful source you carry within and are able to transmit through your voice:

A portal of truth and divine expression.