Dear Nightingales🕊️

You are on your personal path of standing in your power

within your personal life, your workfield and

your way of creatively expressing yourself

Secretly you have the wish to SING, freely ..

You can feel the inner melodies being there

Waiting to find their way out, into the open

Wanting to sing along,

Join the other voices

opening and moving into song, melodies and harmony

But yet something is holding you back..

⭑ You started believing that it's not for you to sing

You can better leave it up to others, because you are not as good as a 'real' singer

⭑You only sing when you are sure nobody hears you

or singing along very softly, holding yourself back - feeling super uncomfortable

⭑You are scared to be rejected, scared of what other people may think of you

Maybe someone told you that it's better for you not to sing; feeling the cost of it now

⭑You're very critical of the way you sound, the way you express

You feel blocked and a surpressed sound is coming from your throat or you can't make any sound at all

⭑You aren't aware of how to use your voice to be able to sing

Insecurity is taking over and you're getting in your head

Forgetting the way back to your heart..

Let me remind you that you are not alone in this

These are the most vulnerable processes that most people surpress, neglect and dissociate from.

That is why the practice of voice can be an important key to find breakthrough into embodying your full potential.

It is your natural force.

A power that is here for you to unfold.

To develop and use your voice even more in your daily life.

Within your workfield, to serve others

and to yourself, singing your way through life!

You know you want to get in alignment with all that is given to you.

So you can give back to yourself and therefore your direct surrounding.

⋙It is within your reach⋘

Imagine that you would build a deeper relationship with your voice

and therefore the ability to help yourself and the people around you with it

That you learn how to express freely, as loud as you want,

as fierce as you want, whatever you want

That there is nothing holding you back and the voices in your head

are cheering you on because of it, instead of withholding you from it

That you can start using this power that you always carry with you

within your practice, your work and your life’s purpose

- Finding the key to your own healing and to help others heal

Your voice is here to express, to be heard and to build bridges from soul to soul.

We transmit the messages from our heart.

to be understood and to understand,

to tell our story and to respond.

There’s an infinite source of expression inside of you that wants to be heard,

maybe even needs to be heard.

The sound of your voice holds a magical power.

It contains the ability to soothe, calm and ease…

To get closer to yourself, to your emotions and to sink deeper into being.

Your voice holds the power to soften, nurture, help and heal old wounds.

To release … and FEEL

Biba Medicina - Your guide on this journey

in Level 1 & 2

Elena Tierra - Your guide on this journey in Level 2

Your Voice is a Medicine, your Medicine, our Medicine

We only have to learn how to use it

The practice of the voice holds a divine power to become a deep mirror to the relationship with yourself

In this Training You'll learn:

  • How to you use your Voice as a powerful instrument both practical and spiritual
  • Hands-on techniques on the anatomy of your Voice
  • How to work with your Body & Breath and how to direct them for the use of your Voice
  • How to navigate your energy through your voice
  • To find freedom in expression beyond the control of your thoughts and beliefs
  • Creating with the keys of improvisation

  • Working with your Voice in Ceremony

This Training Contains:

⭑ Level 1 & Level 2: 6 Modules on training your Medicine Voice

⭑ 2 Group Coaching Calls (online)

⭑ 2x 1:1 Guidance Call, 30 min (online)

⭑ Personal Guidance on Q&A Chat (Telegram)


⭑ 1 Medicine Voice Singing Circle (offline/live)

⭑ Medicine Voice Songbook (e-book)

⭑50% discount on all 1:1 sessions with Biba Medicina or Elena Tierra

⭑€10 discount on all Medicine Voice Circles (Offline/Live)

Every Module contains a combination of spiritual guidance and hands-on techniques

with vocal exersises that will take it into practice

Every week there’ll be one module released that you can follow,

but I invite you to do it in a pace that suits you

Medicine Voice Level 1

Your Guide during this Level: Biba Medicina

This Level 1 of your Medicine Voice training contains three Modules on how to get aligned with your Instrument and collect all your technical skills to be able to find freedom and flow with your Medicine Voice.

We'll be working with 5 Paragraphs per Module, the paragraphs contain:

✣ +/- 30 minutes on Video lessons

Practices with Audio guidance

Vocal Meditation Journey(s)

Writing exercises


Practice Preparation & Intention setting

Dropping into your Voice, Voice Wisdom from your mentor and Guidance to your training

༄ Guided Voice Meditation with live Vocal Medicine

experience of your Mentor Biba Medicina

༄ Guidance on how to follow this training

༄ Your Mentors wisdom on working with the Voice

༄ Setting your intention for this training

༄ Preparational Guidance: creating a ritual before getting into your musical practice


Instrument Awareness

Hands-on techniques to direct & strengthen the sound of your voice

༄ Body, Posture & Breath

༄ Resonance Chest: How to work with Head & Mix Voice

Tongue, Jaw & Lip Movement

༄ Vocal Function: Singing Gears & Methods

༄ Healthy Singing: Creating Volume, Closing Vocal Chords, Singing with or without Breath

༄ BONUS: Guided Breathing exercise for focus with Vocal Medicine of your Mentor


Strengthening the Musical Hearing & Flowing with the Sound of your Voice

Essentials to get in tune with your voice

༄ Vocal Warm Ups

༄ Intuitive Solfège: training your musical ear in a playful way

༄ Finding your Inner Rhythm

༄ Exploring your Authentic Vocal sound (through Contrast & Dynamic)

༄ Lax Vox: Introducing your ultimate Vocal Massage Tool

Medicine Voice Level 1

Explore the power of your voice and strenghten your Vocal Skills with hands-on techniques, wisdom and guided practices within the privacy of your own space to kickstart the journey of your Medicine Voice with your Mentor through level 1: Biba Medicina.

Instant acces to Medicine Voice Level 1

3 on demand modules (include 15 lessons in total)

**after following Level 1 you'll receive the possibility to unlock Level 2 for €199


Best value

Medicine Voice 2 month training

Experience your training through the power of a group process & receive live Guidance of your Mentors Biba Medicina and Elena Tierra

Full Acces: Level 1 & Level 2

༄ 2x Online Groupsessions

༄ 2x 1:1 30 min Online Guidance Call

BONUS: 1 spot in a Live Medicine Voice Circle in The Hague

BONUS: Medicine Voice Songbook

BONUS: 50% discount on all 1:1 sessions with Biba Medicina or Elena Tierra

BONUS: €10 discount on all Medicine Voice Circles (Offline/Live)

START training: Monday 25th of September

all practical info about this format you'll find below


Medicine Voice Level 2

Your Guides during this Level Biba Medicina & Elena Tierra

This Level 2 contains three Modules on deepening your Vocal Practice and guidance on reaching deep into ourselves to discover and untangle what is potentially holding us back from the full expression of our Medicine Voice.

We'll be working with 5 Paragraphs per Module, the paragraphs contain:

✣ +/- 30 minutes on Video lessons

Practices with Audio guidance

Vocal Meditation Journey

Writing exercises


Creation Beyond blockages of the mind

Finding breakthrough in what is holding you back from authentic expression

Creating a safe space for yourself to express

༄ Going beyond the blockages of the mind and exploring the Native language of the Body

༄ Voice as a medicine to yourself: 'DARING, TRUSTING & LETTING GO', Vocal emotional release exercises

༄ Vizualisation Meditation: Transmutation of your Blockages, Fear into Force

༄ 7 day - Mirror Journaling Challenge: Learning to relate non-judgemental to your way of expression


Finding Freedom in Expression

Entering the infinate playground of creation while integrating your vocal practice.

༄ Improvisation = key, Intuitive Singing

༄ Source Singing with your soul: Emotion and Passion

༄ Free writing: Write and sing your own Mantra’s

༄ Expanding your Repertoire: Learning a Medicine Song (and how to study song)

༄ Singing together, creating Harmonies

༄ BONUS: Medicine Voice Song e-Book part 1


Vocal Medicine

Tools for working with the voice as a medicine to yourself and others

༄ Serving your Voice in the Medicine Space

༄ Receiving Song (Wisdom & Practices)

༄ Singing with the Seasons

༄ Guiding your Voice with your drum, shakers or Guitar

༄ BONUS: Medicine Voice Song e-Book

Medicine Voice Level 1

Explore the power of your voice and strenghten your Vocal Skills with hands-on techniques, wisdom and guided practices within the privacy of your own space to kickstart the journey of your Medicine Voice with your Mentor through level 1: Biba Medicina.

Instant acces to Medicine Voice Level 1

3 on demand modules (include 15 lessons in total)

**after following Level 1 you'll receive the possibility to unlock Level 2 for €199


Best value

Medicine Voice 2 month training

Experience your training through the power of a group process & receive live Guidance of your Mentors Biba Medicina and Elena Tierra

Full Acces: Level 1 & Level 2

༄ 2x Online Groupsessions

༄ 2x 1:1 30 min Online Guidance Call

BONUS: 1 spot in a Live Medicine Voice Circle in The Hague

BONUS: Medicine Voice Songbook

BONUS: 50% discount on all 1:1 sessions with Biba Medicina or Elena Tierra

BONUS: €10 discount on all Medicine Voice Circles (Offline/Live)

START training: Monday 25th of September

all practical info about this format you'll find below


Practical Info to your 2-month training

Start Training: Monday 25 September '23

Ends: 5 November '23

- only 15 spots available, the training is in ENG -

(you're welcome to express yourself in Dutch in the groupsessions if that feels better to you)

The Training Package Contains:

Full Acces to Level 1 and Level 2:

6 modules

Every Module contains a combination of spiritual guidance and hands-on techniques with vocal exersises that will take it into practice. Every week there’ll be one module released that you can follow.

We invite you to follow the modules it in a pace that suits you

We'll be working with 5 Paragraphs per Module, the paragraphs contain:

✣ +/- 30 minutes on Video lessons

Practices with Audio guidance

Vocal Meditation Journey

Writing exercises

2 Group Coaching Calls (10:00am till 11:30am)

- the Session will be recorded to rewatch if you can't make it -

Groupsession 1: Wednesday 4th of Oct 10:00 till 11:30

Groupsession 2: Wednesday 27th of Oct 10:00 till 11:30

We'll work with:

Guided Vocal Meditation & Breath

Vocal Journeying and Practices

Group Sharing about Voice & Progress in various topics


A talk by your Guide(s) in the topic of the modules that phase

Q&A and feedback round

2x 30min 1-on-1 Guidance Call with one or both of your Guides

This Call is here to offer you personal attention to your journey and to hold your space in possible vulnerable processes. We will take a closer look on what you and your Voice need in order to take full benefit from this training. Ask us anything!

You'll receive a link to plan your Calls in a timeframe that suits you.

Optional: Q&A Chat

Telegram Group Chat with your fellow Medicine Voicees and your Guides Biba Medicina and Elena Tierra.

During the training this chat is available for all your sharings, questions, uncertainties and feedback. Your guide will be available to answer your questions with the intention to reflect on it together.

~ Important information and guidance will be shared through mail and all guidance through the Telegram chat will be additional. Its up to you if you'd feel this is of worth to your learning process.

It is very welcome to express yourself in English or Dutch during those sessions

BONUS: Medicine Voice Singing Circle, Loods Komeet The Hague

Upcoming Circle dates: Friday 22 September 19:00-22:00, Sunday 22 October 14:00-17:00

Every month we gather into a Medicine Voice circle to share, sing, enjoy, connect and reflect to our Vocal process. In this Circle we ground and intergrate the teachings from the modules and mostly important: stepping out of our comfort zones through several practices in a group.

The setting will be warm and safe for us to explore what we've learned in a playfull way where we get to celebrate our musical growth. It is possible to join as many circles as you want. As a trainee you'll always receive €10 discount on the ticket price for the monthly circles.

We invite you to take your instruments with!

BONUS: Medicine Voice Songbook

This e-book contains 8 Medicine Songs heartfully selected by your Mentors Biba Medicina & Elena Tierra // they include Chords, Song explanation and links/recordings to the songs!

Location of the Medicine Voice Circle: Loods Komeet, The Hague

Best value

Medicine Voice 2 month training

Experience your training through the power of a group process & receive live Guidance of your Mentors Biba Medicina and Elena Tierra

Full Acces: Level 1 & Level 2

༄ 2x Online Groupsessions

༄ 2x 1:1 30 min Online Guidance Call

BONUS: 1 spot in a Live Medicine Voice Circle in The Hague

BONUS: Medicine Voice Songbook

START training: Monday 25th of September


Medicine Voice Level 1

Explore the power of your voice and strenghten your Vocal Skills with hands-on techniques, wisdom and guided practices within the privacy of your own space to kickstart the journey of your Medicine Voice with your Mentor through level 1: Biba Medicina.

Instant access to Medicine Voice Level 1

3 on demand modules (include 15 lessons in total)

**after following Level 1 you'll receive the possibility to unlock Level 2 for €199


About your Guides

Hey you !

My name is Biba Medicina and I serve my music into ceremonial settings to help people connect with a deeper layer of their inner world and the flow of their emotions.

I express my voice in the present moment while I practice to fully surrender to the flow of my heart while listening closely to my inner rhythm. In earthly grounded energy I connect with my inner natural melodies and so open myself up to receive song to let it arise through my instruments.

In my personal healing journey something became really clear:

My voice and sound are here to help people through their own healing journey

I am here to guide others with the use of their voice and their authentic expression

I find it important to create a safe space for you to let your sound Flourish and Rise

A space where vulnerability is the key to your greatest power🔥

I'm very excited to share all the techniques, skills and wisdom I hold on working with the voice within this training.

The practice of the voice holds a divine power to become a deep mirror to the relationship with yourself.

I strongly believe that this training is gonna be valuable for your personal process and growth.

I am honoured to grow together!

My name is Elena Tierra and I serve my music and voice in devotion to build bridges between the seen and unseen on this earthly plane and the remembrance of the wilderness of our primal being.

I’ve been on a journey of emerging in the mystics of my soul, of this life. Traveling the world and receiving different teachings through cultures and nature’s medicine, has brought me to a healing path.

Songs became prayers and my voice became a portal for healing to me and my surrounding.

I felt the calling to create soul spaces where the power of sound becomes a portal for people to find wholeness within.

In my work as a Vocal Guide I’d like to inspire you to courageously express yourself raw and authentically.

To remember the powerful source you carry within and are able to transmit through your voice:

A portal of truth and divine expression.

My methods entail my knowledge and musical education as a multi instrumentalist and vocalist and my intuitive wisdom coming from a more shamanic embodied path. Nature is a teacher to remember the intelligence of our bodies and the wisdom it holds. I wanna honour the power of our mind and the wisdom of our body&soul and let it weave into brilliant synergy. I'm looking forward to be of service to you!

'Nothing to perform, no-one to impress

Only truth to be revealed and love to be expressed'

- Biba Medicina

'I listen, I trust, I follow my intuition'

~ Elena Tierra

Take a look at what previous Students are saying:

Valerie van Harten

What a beautiful, inspiring, playful, conscious and educational sessions.

From setting an intention, understanding various singing techniques, exploring my own voice and through free writing creating a sound composition with the loopstation.

The sessions had everything and gave me so many tools to work with at home. What a blessing to work with this incredible inspiring women.

Stijn Visser (about your guide Biba Medicina)

Biba guides with power, clarity and vulnerability at the same time. It created a safe bubble to express myself.

For me the training was a profound introduction to voice liberation and a call to discover more of myself and my voice. I love the combination of fundamental theory and hands-on excercises to work with the voice.

It is beautiful & inspiring to see and feel how Biba uses her voice. I can really feel how she wants to share the love for music.

Kyra Jellema (about your guide Biba Medicina)

Biba’s lessons have been such a fun and safe place for me to learn how to liberate and use my voice. Not only has she taught me how to sing, but she helped me to build the confidence i needed in order to really express myself through my voice. A great gift for which i am truly thankful.

The lessons have been a perfect blend of practical exercises aimed at learning how to use “my instrument” and gentle coaching techniques that helped me to break through my insecurities, finally allowing me to just enjoy singing from the heart!

Gina ~ (about your guide Elena Tierra)

My heart was opened because my voice was allowed to sound and take space again. The voice of the soul that has been pushed to keep silent was reminded to awaken. Through creating sound and vibration in the body we sang our pain present, allowing to feel the pain that has been hanging around in there. Her guidance left me with a boost of awakened power that I forgot resided in me, reminded of the strength that your voice carries.

Expressing one’s voice can be a scary thing, judgment and insecurity were my biggest demons coming up during the evening. Elena created a beautiful calm and loving space, really with the felt sense of carrying each other by the people we shared the workshop with. Because of the super safe energy that was carried throughout the workshop one is really allowed to just be for once and step over those bridges of the inner critic. Opening the door of the throat so the light of the heart can be expressed.


Lali Rullens (about your guide Biba Medicina)

I was very insecure about my voice but at the same time I love to sing out loud! I treasure the way Biba encourged my insecure self so that it could feel the space to explore. That gave me such a safe feeling that when my voice broke. Not only my voice cracked but also the stuck energy, sadness, emotion, sadness, insecurity, unworthiness all came loose.

In the moment I was crying I was able to enjoy that so much at the same time. And after a moment like that we returned back to so much joy!

Jorick ~ (about your guide Elena Tierra)

Elena brought the feeling of being welcome and being heard to a new level. The way each part taker is personally met and energetically cleansed, how their voice is greeted in the safe space that was created and how I felt kindly invited to share my inner sound freely and without any judgement, that was a great experience!

Martin ~ (about your guide Elena Tierra)

Joining Elena’s voice liberation workshop brought me a lot of calmness and satisfaction. She is a pleasant guide in letting go by creating a natural open atmosphere. It reminded me of how beautiful my voice is and increased my self awareness in a positive way.

Medicine Voice Level 1

Explore the power of your voice and strenghten your Vocal Skills with hands-on techniques, wisdom and guided practices within the privacy of your own space to kickstart the journey of your Medicine Voice with your Mentor through level 1: Biba Medicina.

Instant access to Medicine Voice Level 1

3 on demand modules (include 15 lessons in total)

**after following Level 1 you'll receive the possibility to unlock Level 2 for €199


Best value

Medicine Voice 2 month training

Experience your training through the power of a group process & receive live Guidance of your Mentors Biba Medicina and Elena Tierra

Full Access: Level 1 & Level 2

༄ 2x Online Groupsessions

༄ 2x 1:1 30 min Online Guidance Call

BONUS: 1 spot in a Live Medicine Voice Circle in The Hague

BONUS: Medicine Voice Songbook

BONUS: 50% discount on all 1:1 sessions with Biba Medicina or Elena Tierra

BONUS: €10 discount on all Medicine Voice Circles (Offline/Live)

START training: Monday 25th of September


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access this course?

After Submitting and completing your Payment you will receive a private link that leads you to the online environment of the training. Every week a new module will be released. You'll be part of a Telegram group chat where there wil be weekly updates about your training and where you can drop all your questions. Through this channel you'll receive personal guidance from your guide Biba Medicina and Elena Tierra

Can I pay in terms?

Yes, you can pay in max 3 terms. You can choose for your payment plan through the check out page of your training. It can happen that it is not properly working, then we can send you the payment option through email. Please reach out for us at .

When should I start experiencing results?

Every growth depends on your own dedication to the learning process. If you make use of the optimal offering within this training (all modules, attending all group calls & engaging fully in the group chat with all your question) you'll start experiencing results very quickly. This training expands your awareness about the use of your voice and you'll notice that a little revolution started within you. Warning: some people can't stop singing :) !!

Do I have to complete the training in 2 months?

To make full use of the training and gain full growth it is adviced to follow the training within 2 months. The advice holds 1 module each week. On the other hand we also support to take your time for your learning process in the way you feel this is the most valuable to you. If you feel you want to take more time I advice you to complete all the modules of the training and attend all live online group sessions (or watch the recording if you really couldn't make it). You will have acces to the training for one year.

Will this training be in english and do I have to express myself in English?

Yes, the course will be in english for our foreign community! But we understand that expressing yourself in your mothertongue sometimes works better to reach deeper. In the online sharings you're very welcome to express yourself in English or Dutch.

For how long will I remain acces to the training?

You will remain acces to the modules and online group sessions recordings. will keep improving the training monthly and adding new matter. To purchase the training will keep growing in value for you with the opportunity to keep learning is unlimited.

You don't need professional Singing Experience to join the training!

- All Levels Are Welcome -

This training is of big worth to you if you're working with your Singing Voice on a regular basis -- or have the ambition to work with your Medicine Voice to guide others within your workfield

Questions & Contact:

The doors of the

MEDICINE VOICE - 5 week training will close 24 September!

15 spots available!!


Good To Know

You will remain access to the training!

We will keep improving the training and adding new content the coming year & on.

This means the training will keep growing in value for you


Unlimited learning

Wanna get updates about upcoming trainings and/or retreats? Sign up below

Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Biba's Soundcycles - Btw-id: NL002317923B71 - KVK: 69160007