Dear Nightingale🕊️

You are on your personal path of standing in your power

within your personal life, your workfield and

your way of creatively expressing yourself

Secretly you have the wish to SING, freely ..

You can feel the inner melodies being there

Waiting to find their way out, into the open

Wanting to sing along,

Join the other voices

opening and moving into song, melodies and harmony

But yet something is holding you back..

⭑ You started believing that it's not for you to sing

You can better leave it up to others, because you are not as good as a 'real' singer

⭑You only sing when you are sure nobody hears you

or singing along very softly, holding yourself back - feeling super uncomfortable

⭑You are scared to be rejected, scared of what other people may think of you

Maybe someone told you that it's better for you not to sing; feeling the cost of it now

⭑You're very critical of the way you sound, the way you express

You feel blocked and a surpressed sound is coming from your throat or you can't make any sound at all

⭑You aren't aware of how to use your voice to be able to sing

Insecurity is taking over and you're getting in your head

Forgetting the way back to your heart..

Let me be your Guide on this journey

how to work with me

Medicine Voice Circle

Medicine Voice

2-month training

1-on-1 mentoring

'Nothing to perform, no-one to impress

Only truth to be revealed and love to be expressed'

- Biba Medicina

Take a look at what my beloved students say about working with me:

Valerie van Harten

What a beautiful, inspiring, playful, conscious and educational sessions.

From setting an intention, understanding various singing techniques, exploring my own voice and through free writing creating a sound composition with the loopstation.

The sessions had everything and gave me so many tools to work with at home. What a blessing to work with this incredible inspiring women.

Stijn Visser

Biba guides with power, clarity and vulnerability at the same time. It created a safe bubble to express myself.

For me the training was a profound introduction to voice liberation and a call to discover more of myself and my voice. I love the combination of fundamental theory and hands-on excercises to work with the voice.

It is beautiful & inspiring to see and feel how Biba uses her voice. I can really feel how she wants to share the love for music.

Kyra Jellema

Biba’s lessons have been such a fun and safe place for me to learn how to liberate and use my voice. Not only has she taught me how to sing, but she helped me to build the confidence i needed in order to really express myself through my voice. A great gift for which i am truly thankful.

The lessons have been a perfect blend of practical exercises aimed at learning how to use “my instrument” and gentle coaching techniques that helped me to break through my insecurities, finally allowing me to just enjoy singing from the heart!

Lali Rullens

I was very insecure about my voice but at the same time I love to sing out loud! I treasure the way Biba encourged my insecure self so that it could feel the space to explore. That gave me such a safe feeling that when my voice broke. Not only my voice cracked but also the stuck energy, sadness, emotion, sadness, insecurity, unworthiness all came loose.

In the moment I was crying I was able to enjoy that so much at the same time. And after a moment like that we returned back to so much joy!

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